☪Terms of Service


I have the right to deny any commission if you are rude or I cannot do the commission you are asking for, you won't be able to cancel nor refund the commission after the confirmation of the sketch.
Please provide clear information on what you specifically want me to draw or provide a reference, if you cannot provide a reference this may affect the price because of how long it will take for me to think of new designs to fit your liking.


The payment must be up front or half ONLY ON PAYPAL OR BDO. Once I have started the commission I will notify and send the customer about the process ( Customers can pick colors for their commissions if they want to and I will also send them the colors I picked out for the rendering or the flat colors of their commission ) After the commission is finished, very minor changes can be made. Any other major additional changes after the commission is done, will be charged.
-In a rendered commission, textured objects and effects like electricity, fire, water, grass or plants etc. can change the price (from up to $ 5 USD)


You cannot take credit for the artwork commissioned, reproducing it with commercial purposes (unless it has been previously agreed to), nor alter it without the artist consent. The commission is for personal use only and not for making it your own art.


|| Will Do ||
-Content Creators
-A few animals (Not my main artstyle but I'll try)
-blood/gore, scars, horror
-Ship art (depends just don't be creepy about it)
|| Won't Do ||
-Negative Art/Hate Art